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Supporting The Real Superheroes!



Childhood Cancer Awareness Posters

These Posters Can Save Lives!

About These are childhood cancer awareness posters (size 18" x 24") that provide symptoms of the most common types of cancers in children. The aim of these posters is to be shared and displayed in schools, doctors offices, and other places where many children are present in order to increase the chances of early detection of cancer, thereby saving lives. It is clear that early detection of any type of cancer greatly increases chances of survival and by knowing the symptoms of cancers and requesting a simple test for a child can save a life.

How To Use We encourage families of children with cancer along with anyone interested to download and share, print, or request us to print any poster they are interested in promoting. In order to download a poster, simply click the thumbnail or name of the cancer and it will open the high-resolution image for you to save. (Do not save the thumbnail itself since these are low resolution versions to optimize website performance).
In order to request a print, Click Here or on the button. (NOTE: Only local families registered with us are eligible to receive printed posters from us. This is due to high shipping and printing costs. Limit to 3 posters per family)

Leukemia Leukemia Awareness
Osteosarcoma Osteosarcoma Awareness
Rhabdomyosarcoma Rhabdomyosarcoma Awareness
Wilm's Tumor (Kidney Cancer) Kidney Cancer Awareness
Brain Tumors Brain Cancer Awareness
Neuroblastoma Neuroblastoma Awareness
Lymphoma Lymphoma Awareness
Hepatoblastoma (Liver Cancer) Liver Cancer Awareness
Soft Tissue Sarcoma Soft Tissue Sarcoma Awareness
Ewing's Sarcoma Ewing's Sarcoma Awareness
Spinal Tumors Spinal Tumor Awareness
Retinoblastoma Retinoblastoma Awareness
Superheroes Register HERE
Superhero Container Are You A Superhero Kid Battling Cancer? If Yes, CLICK